SRH Campus Hamburg

Research Tools

Here you will find information and tools for literature assessment, expert support, literature management programmes and other services that facilitate scientific work.

Our university has purchased a campus license for the Citavi Team software, which assists you in the process of scientific work from the initial research up to the final manuscript.

Imagine, you search the internet for suitable sources for your academic work. By clicking on the Citavi icon you can automatically collect interesting sources. Then you can integrate the collected information into your text. Finally, the program enables the automatic creation of a bibliography.

Since the literature is stored in this way, you can also index and categorise it. You can extract citations from the texts, arrange them systematically and connect them with your own thoughts and draft proposals.

Thanks to the team version, several people may work simultaneously on a document.

Start Citavi Team:

1. Install Citavi Free.
2. Request a SRH license key.
3. Enter license data in Citvavi.

Would you like to use Citavi on a Mac? Please follow Citavi's instructions. Alternatively, we recommend Zotero.

Information regarding the usage of the program can be found here or by opening the Getting Started Guide.

EconDesk ZBW is a service offered by the German Central Library for Economic Sciences (Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, ZBW). By using this resource you can ask questions regarding economic issues either by e-mail, chat or telephone. Expert responses are received typically within two business days.            Search

Before purchasing a book or visiting a library, it's helpful if you can assess the content's relevance beforehand. The following suggestions will help you save time in finding the right information. 

Dandelon is a search engine for scientific literature which is operated by the AGI - Information Management Consultants and several libraries. By using Dandelon you can search for the latest books and articles across all scientific disciplines. Many sources are available in full-text format. 

Google Books
The Google Books search engine can provide access to selected content of millions of books worldwide from both libraries and publishers.

In science, there are more and more freely available documents on the internet. You can use the Open Access platform for searching. A list sorted by subject will guide you to the Open Access literature available within your subject of interest.

These scientific search engines are an alternative to Google. Scientific documents can be researched much faster and more precisely.

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
BASE is the University Library Bielefeld's search engine for scientific open access documents. The metadata is provided by document servers worldwide.

In the subject portal EconBiz you will find economic literature available worldwide. With the help of modern search technologies, access to millions of online documents is usually free of charge.

Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a search engine specifically for scientific literature sources such as books, journal articles and scholastic papers.

Acronym Finder
The following link provides definitions of acronyms, abbreviations and initials.

This dictionary is available from the Technical University of Chemnitz.

DeepL develops artificial intelligence for understanding and translating texts.

Lexicool: Dictionaries, Translation and Language Resources
"Lexicool" is a directory of more than a thousand bilingual and multilingual dictionaries on the internet.

Linguee is a unique combination of an editorial dictionary and a search engine that allows you to search millions of bilingual texts for words and phrases. 

This web resource contains learning materials (language articles) for the English language and thousands of links to language and subject dictionaries in over 300 languages​​ which are generally accessible. It also offers very specific subject dictionaries (speciality dictionaries, predominantly in English) for all subjects.